Thursday, October 3, 2013

September Meeting

 Hello Families,

Our first meeting was a big success, this year of scouting has officially begun! 
To our new families we usually send a recap of our meetings so you know what the kiddos are up to and you can get a better idea of what it means to be a Girl Scout.  
So here it is…

We started our 1st meeting of this year with a ceremony to initiate our newest girls to Girl Scouts and they became our troops first Junior members.
Our troop is very lucky to now have Kaya, Sofia and Taylor as Girl Scout sisters… Welcome to Troop 2440!

The ceremony was very sweet, we used different color electric candles to represent what Girl Scouts stands for…
Green reminds us that we have a duty to perform, that is to follow the Girl Scout Promise and Law. 
Red stands for fire, which can be used for good or evil.  Fire is a symbol for our emotions, we can be kind or hurtful if our "fires" are uncontrolled.
Blue stands for faith and loyalty.  It's important to know what you believe in, have faith in each other and stay loyal to our beliefs.
White stands for honesty in thought, word and deed toward ourselves and others.
Yellow stands for sunshine.  As the sun warms us, may we spread warmth and friendship to those we meet.

We then had a "bridging/fly up" ceremony for our former Brownies.  The new girls stood on one side of our rainbow bridge and the brownies were called up one by one from their brownie ring and they crossed over to Juniors.  They received a wings badge from one of their sisters and were pinned as Juniors by us.

After the ceremonies we had a little party with cupcakes, brownies, cheese sticks and pretzels.  The brownies symbolized the girls as Brownies, and the cupcakes had the Girl Scout trefoil symbol on them. We also had a toast for great year of scouting with bubbly pink lemonade.
During our snack time we had everyone talk about what they liked about scouting, what they were looking forward to and some ideas for trips and activities.  As always your girls amaze us with their sweetness, intelligence and of course their humor!  Here are a few samples of some of the things we heard…
"Looking forward to great adventures!"
"I love meeting new people!"
"Selling cookies and EATING them!"
"The snacks."
"All the fun things our troop leaders plan!"
"I love my nice sisters and they make me so proud!"

Trip/Activity ideas...
Washington DC
Natural history museum sleepover
Horseback riding
Universal Studios (Harry Potter)
Camp Kauffman
Ice skating
Broadway show
Painted Pot
Movie day
Luna Park
Just to name a few of their suggestions, obviously some are more likely to happen than others but we wanted to let you know what they were thinking!  They certainly have some BIG ideas!!

We then made a rainbow loom bracelet with a special rainbow bridge charm. It was very exciting!  The girls did great helping each other, they worked together in 2's and made one for the sister they were paired with.  We were very impressed with their patience with one another and how well they worked together.  

Of course we did a round of freeze dance, it seems to be a fan favorite, congratulations to Abby the freeze dance winner!
The meeting ended with us distributing their new Junior supplies and the Friendship circle.

Thank you to Laura and Kendall for volunteering at our first meeting!!

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