We started our meeting with the Girl Scout Promise, seems the girls have this down now! Then we did a stretching exercise as an opening ceremony. The girls were asked to stretch so they were as tall as possible, and think of something they were good at. We then took turns sharing our thoughts. Seems our troop is very talented, filled with girls good at singing, dancing, swimming, reading and much more! It was great to see them thinking of things that make them proud!
Our snack was a tie in to their 3rd grade study of Asia and "Dancing with Chosita" story. We had a bento lunch snack which included a cheese sandwich, clementines, ham/carrot roll up, blueberries, pomegranates and seaweed. The girls were so excited about the presentation and the mini fork that was included!
During snack we discussed cookie sales, money earnings and ideas for spending our troop rebate. Ava also presented her artwork for her painting badge. We are so proud of all the girls for selling 2,660 boxes of cookies! Our top seller was Lindsay with 400 boxes! All the scouts should be so proud of themselves and each other. I know we are! We would like to split the Cooke rebate 3 ways... One big celebration (camping trip, broadway show), a smaller party (day event like movie day or skating) and a charitable contribution! We reminded the girls that we do like to vote on stuff within our troop and that's how we will handle the rebate. They all seemed very excited about a weekend at Camp Kauffman, more information to follow! Also they had the idea of a trip to Washington, D.C., which we explained could be something we work towards next year!
Next we broke up into groups to work on our Change a Story project. This was a role playing exercise about resolving differences. We gave them "saying how it feels" scenarios and the girls worked out solutions to problems. Such as when two friends want to do different things and how you can still be friends with someone even when you don't agree on everything. These themes seem to be very fresh on their minds and it was good for them to have an outlet to talk it out!
We discussed the Change a Story project and how we accomplished this with our Hurricane Sandy Book Drive for P.S. 52. We will revisit what an amazing job the troop did, raising 4,500 books, at our next meeting and they will officially earn their Change a Story Award. This is a very important message for the scouts to learn - find a clue (something that needs a change), do something to make a difference and achieve a positive change. We hope to do this again and again as a troop and individually as well! We also worked on pages 10-11 on the Girls side of their books, please make sure they complete those pages.
Then we wrapped up our meeting with a dance party! Did a round of Freeze Dance... congrats to Ella, last scout standing! These girls really know how to move!